Consumption habits are made up of a series of behaviors adopted by an individual or group when making a purchase or contracting a service. These habits can be conscious or unconscious and influence consumer preferences and choices.
Knowing customers' consumption habits is essential for developing more assertive marketing and sales actions, capable of reaching the ideal buyers for your business. In practice, understanding these habits allows you to draw up a more effective marketing, sales and service plan, considering important information about the customer journey.
To understand how purchasing habits work, it is necessary to understand what the customer consumes, how they consume it and why they consume it. The answers to these questions are essential to direct your organization's strategies and increase the effectiveness of investments in marketing and sales.
To adapt to consumer trends, it is important to be aware of changes in the market and develop effective strategies. Understanding customer spending habits is the first step to achieving success in sales and marketing.
ToggleHow did the pandemic impact consumption habits?
The pandemic had a big impact on our consumer habits in the whole world. With the introduction of social distancing and the closure of many physical establishments, e-commerce became more important than ever. People started shopping online much more frequently, both for essential goods and luxury products and services.
In addition, the pandemic also led to a change in consumer behavior regarding health and safety. People are increasingly concerned about protecting their health and the health of their communities, and they are looking for products and services that meet these needs.
Another trend that emerged during the pandemic was the increase in conscious consumption. People are becoming more aware of the environmental and social impact of their consumption habits and are looking for products and services that reflect their values. Companies that are committed to sustainability and social responsibility have a huge advantage in today's market.
Trends in consumer habits
Among the most significant trends in new consumption habits, the adoption of omnichannel, new payment methods and personalization stand out. Omnichannel refers to the integration of several sales channels, such as physical stores, e-commerce and social networks, in order to provide a more complete and satisfactory shopping experience for the consumer.
As well as this, new forms of payment have gained ground, such as transactions through digital wallets and cryptocurrencies. And finally, personalization has become one of the main trends in several sectors, as consumers are increasingly demanding and seek products and services that suit their individual needs and preferences.
Omnichannel is a strategy that aims to provide several integrated communication and sales channels for a company's customers. This means that the consumer can send a message via WhatsApp, make a purchase via the e-commerce platform, exchange a product in the physical store and interact on social media, without the need to repeat information to the company.
The concern about this consumer habit trend is justified by diverse studies. A report of Zendesk Trends for 2022 revealed that 98% of consumers are willing to spend more with companies that offer their preferred service channel. Futhermore, 96% of consumers are willing to spend more with companies that guarantee that information won't need to be repeated.
Com base nessas informações, é possível observar que a implementação da estratégia omnichannel pode contribuir significativamente para o aumento do faturamento do negócio, atendendo às necessidades dos clientes e suas preferências em relação aos canais de comunicação e vendas.
Payment methods
Atualmente, existem diversas novas opções de pagamento disponíveis no mercado, como Pix, contactless, carteira digital, WhatsApp Pay, biometria, QR Code, entre outras. Embora possam parecer insignificantes, a oferta dessas opções é essencial para aumentar a participação no mercado.
Embora ainda estejam em processo de fortalecimento, é uma questão de tempo para que essas novas formas de pagamento se tornem indispensáveis. É importante lembrar do surgimento do cartão de crédito e como, atualmente, ele se tornou um item essencial no comportamento de consumo dos clientes.
Disponibilizar essas novas opções de pagamento não só torna a experiência de compra mais fácil e rápida para os consumidores, como também pode ajudar a aumentar as vendas, pois muitos clientes optam por empresas que oferecem essas novas formas de pagamento. Portanto, é importante que os negócios estejam atentos a essas tendências e ofereçam opções variadas de pagamento para atender às necessidades dos clientes.
Engana-se quem pensa que, em um futuro cada vez mais digital, a personalização não é uma exigência para as empresas. Pelo contrário, os consumidores estão cada vez mais exigentes em relação à experiência que vivenciam com as empresas das quais consomem, e isso inclui a necessidade de personalização.
De acordo com um relatório da Zendesk apresentado anteriormente, 97% dos consumidores estão dispostos a gastar mais com empresas que oferecem atendimento personalizado.
Para conhecer o cliente profundamente e garantir a segmentação e personalização das mensagens trocadas, é fundamental investir em tecnologias, como um software de automação de marketing, CRM de vendas e vitrines inteligentes.
Oferecer personalização aos clientes é uma estratégia fundamental para que as empresas possam fidelizar seus clientes e garantir uma vantagem competitiva no mercado